Wow, I can't believe its been 2 months since i last posted, ugh, I fail. Well, with school starting up things should get slightly more interesting. Anyhoo, to get the ball rolling, On my usual wanderings about the interweb, I inevitably end up on youtube, and so found the following video.
Completely random, I know, but hey, what's life with out a little randomness right? In the upcoming posts, I plan to have at least 1 figure review and a few pics of a project I recently finished. Stay tuned yeah?
Gunpla, lightsabers, katanas, weaponry, kaiju eiga, art work, and the occasional randomness...come to think of it...most of this thing is uber random...*shrugs* oh well
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
un-fucking believable
Sorry for the profanity, but I think it is warranted. FUCK THESE PIECES OF SHITE! Last I checked, the Olympic Games were a symbol of international cooperation and the promotion of understanding other peoples and cultures.
This image below however is the complete antithesis of said principles. Am I the only who thinks that it would be a bad idea to make the "chinky eyes" gesture, long believed to be a derogatory one against Asians IN CHINA!? Well that aside, you can read the article here. So, while I normally would say something like "someone fly over there and start hacking away at some Achilles tendons, I'll be a sport for once and be gentle: BOYCOTT SPANISH GOODS AND START A MASSIVE MEDIA BACKLASH AGAINST THESE ASSHOLES!

Monday, July 28, 2008
wandering about on youtube
So, while completely unrelated to anything I usually talk about on this here blog, I found this vid particularly funny, and being a Hugh Laurie fan, here goes.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
a few months early, but what the hell
Ok, sure my birth day isnt for a few months, but hey what the hell. There will be a party in the end of august or early September. As usual, if you dont pick up these items, its fine, they are to serve a guide as to my interests and figures/kits that I would like to add to my collection.
Specific Items
Specific Items
- figma SOS brigade is an actual store that is located along Gale Avenue nxt to the Smart and Final and Kinko's across the street from the Arby's and Home Depot
- 1/35 Code Geass Gawain Resin kit...roughly $40
- 1/8 Mitsuba Tohno resin kit....roughly $40
- Revoltech Asuka...$20 at Frank and Sons
- 1/100 Avalanche Exia...$35 at franks
- Master Replicas Luke Skywalker ANH FX Lightsaber...$80-$100 Group buy anyone?
- Yamato creator's Labo#2 Rakka...25 at
- Yamato 1/60 YF-19 Fast Pack parts...$50 at franks
- 36" T-Rex Skeleton...$28
- House Season 4 on DVD...$40
- Batman Begins DVD...$15-$20
- Construct a bot Wall-E...$20
- Eastern Hermann's tortoise...$100-$150
- Godzilla King of the Monsters: Deluxe Edition Collectors DVD...$15 at Best Buy
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days vol.6...$10
- 1/60 PG Skygrasper...$50 At Franks
- Clerks X 10 year anniversary edition...$20-$30
- chocoate chip cookies
- Strawberry Cheescake
- Baked Potatoe Soup at Black Angus
- Pocky
- Ice Cream
- food cookbooks
- Shrimp Tempura
- Chicken Katsu
- Death Note
- Gamera
- Godzilla
- Gundam
- Japanese Swords
- food
- books (sci fi and fantasy)
- Turtles
- Tortoises
- Orca
- lightsaber replicas
- sci-fi and fantasy movies
- japanese flicks
- High and Mighty Color
- Gackt
- L'arc en Ciel
- Never Ending Story
- Prop replicas
- Chronicles of Narnia
- graphic design (and books about graphic design)
- Jigoku Shoujo/Hell Girl
- anime (duh)
- food
- fire
- sushi
- Gundam Kits (especially the Master Grade Format)
- Eating
- Cooking
- Katanas (Carbon Steel Ones)
- Anime
- Manga
- Lightsaber replicas (No Plastic sabers, No mini lightsabers, only accurate Metal hilt replicas)
- Borders Book Store
- Mochi Ice Cream
- Japanese food
- burgers
- Art
- Painting
- Drawing
- Reading (sci fi, fantasy mostly)
- Macross
- photography
- P.S. people have often told me that they are worried about getting me a gundam that i dont want or already is a good rule of thumb....anything 1/100 scale form the Master Grade Series is good by me. I dont mind having doubles. It just gives me another change to re-build a kit with new techniques/ideas for modifications
- Godzilla DVD's (except the one listed above of course)
- Stuffed turtlesStuffed Sheep
- Plushies in general for that matter unless i have specified a plushie i actually want (very very very unlikely)
- MINI Lightsabers
- Plastic Lightsabers
- clothes...unless you KNOW its something i will actually that case, I'm a medium/large in adult size
- Gamera DVD's (I already have the ones I want)
- Anime DVD's (Unless its the DeathNote Limited Box sets with figs, the by all means go for it)
- Jewelry...I'm way too damn picky
- kitchen knives (Japanese Sushi Knives are ok though...those are fun...i mean usefull...when making sushi)
- Pre-built Gundam figures (again, waaay to damn picky - Gundam KITS are ok though)
AX 08: Enough said
Yes, Yes, I know, its weeks past AX...been busy, between building my 1/100 Exia, and Technique Impossible Eva-01. So, here it goes.
Lets start with the most important thing: Cosplay
day 1 - Haji (Blood+) -pictures taken loads of time-
day 2 - Preventer (Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing - Endless Waltz)
day 3 - Jedi (do i really have to say where thats from??) -got my ass kicked my Marvin the Marian-
day 4 - Haji (check day 1)
- Jyukai Concert kicks Ass, officially on my good list of artists, sadly no pics were allowed....crap.
- AX-Idol, some interesting acts, the winner wasnt bad.
- AX Masquerade, short, but not too bad
- misc, got my autograph from the bloke who played Ed Elrich, and pic!
fyi, He knows the difference between an MR saber and Graflex 3-cell, and he's got of 'em!!!
Thirdly, swag! Initially I intended to spend at most $100, have a look at this haul and see if i succeeded
1) Master Replicas Yoda FX Lightsaber
2)Master Grade Shin Musha Gunam
4)Kotobukiya 1/6 Misato Katsuragi (the last one at the entire show!)
5) 1/7 Scale Motoko Kusanagi PVC
6) Max Factory Figma Saber
7)1/8 Alter Enma Ai (thanks much to Larry at Toylet)
8) 1/8 Kotobukiya Hasegawa Akemi PVC
9) (not pictured) Gundam 00 Portraits: Setsuna F Seiei (sheer luck on this one, i opened a blind box!!)
so, what do you all think? did I succeed in keeping within my monetary limits?
Lastly, Post AX-ness
With the belligerent spending at AX, that always results in lots of crap to take home, try stuffing this in the trunk of a Ford Focus Hatchback: This load also includes the haul of one the cats who came with us to AX, who's haul is even more impressive than mine!
Now, as seen on the above post of my cosplay, and the above picture I made and carried a 3 foot tall prop:

This is what happens when we decided that the coffin looking case will not go home with us:
excuse the shitty photography - we were running a tad low on time.
wrap up: After lots of spending, a hell of a lot of driving (as we drove back and for from the LA convention center from my place in the Outer Rim territories) and very little sleep, overall, it was quite a weekend, I'd love to see what the next AX Brings.
Lets start with the most important thing: Cosplay
day 1 - Haji (Blood+) -pictures taken loads of time-
day 2 - Preventer (Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing - Endless Waltz)
day 3 - Jedi (do i really have to say where thats from??) -got my ass kicked my Marvin the Marian-
day 4 - Haji (check day 1)
Not too much photo documentation out there of my Preventer outfit, nor my Jedi get up, but here is one my Haji cosplay and his master Saya
see left of image
3 meisters found at AX - where are you Hallelujiah!
secondly, events:

- Jyukai Concert kicks Ass, officially on my good list of artists, sadly no pics were allowed....crap.
- AX-Idol, some interesting acts, the winner wasnt bad.
- AX Masquerade, short, but not too bad
- misc, got my autograph from the bloke who played Ed Elrich, and pic!
fyi, He knows the difference between an MR saber and Graflex 3-cell, and he's got of 'em!!!

2)Master Grade Shin Musha Gunam
4)Kotobukiya 1/6 Misato Katsuragi (the last one at the entire show!)
5) 1/7 Scale Motoko Kusanagi PVC
6) Max Factory Figma Saber
7)1/8 Alter Enma Ai (thanks much to Larry at Toylet)
8) 1/8 Kotobukiya Hasegawa Akemi PVC
9) (not pictured) Gundam 00 Portraits: Setsuna F Seiei (sheer luck on this one, i opened a blind box!!)
so, what do you all think? did I succeed in keeping within my monetary limits?
Lastly, Post AX-ness
With the belligerent spending at AX, that always results in lots of crap to take home, try stuffing this in the trunk of a Ford Focus Hatchback: This load also includes the haul of one the cats who came with us to AX, who's haul is even more impressive than mine!

This is what happens when we decided that the coffin looking case will not go home with us:

wrap up: After lots of spending, a hell of a lot of driving (as we drove back and for from the LA convention center from my place in the Outer Rim territories) and very little sleep, overall, it was quite a weekend, I'd love to see what the next AX Brings.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
random beach party ness
more photography
Sunday, June 22, 2008
George Carlin dies at 71

As the article says, today George Carlin dies at 71. A beloved counter culture icon, obscene, vulgar, and incredibly funny, leaves behind a legacy of 4 word strings, practical advice, and decades of laughter. I'm usually not one for celebrities and what not, but being a huge Carlin fan, I just had to write about his demise. George, you will be missed, but your work and words will live in forever, but hey, look at this this way, you can look down (or up) at us to observe us for the rest of eternity and rant about the bullshit of humanity for eons to come, rant on you crazy old bastard.
words of a crazy son of a bitch
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Thinzar
Thursday, June 5, 2008
High and Mighty color - Hot Limit (PV)
Hey all, I don't usually talk about music and PV's here, but hey, this vid is too awesome to ignore. I've been following High and Mighty Color, pretty much since they started out with "Pride". Also being a big TM Revolution/Abingdon Boys School fan, I had to post this. their new PV Hot limit is a cover of a song by TM Revolution, and the music video also bears striking similarities. Hell, TM Revolution even makes a cameo on this vid! Anyhoo, enough of me, on to the VID.
Monday, May 19, 2008
more photoshop nonsense
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Photoshop shenanigans
Well, just wanted to post one of my endeavors on photoshop. The Image of the Strike-Freedom is from the web, namely from a site called Please, don't be an ass and take my work and say its yours.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
My Luke V2 Lightsaber
After that last post, I feel that I must post something constructive, and so here we go: This is my LUke ROTJ v2 Lightsaber.

Long story short, this saber was the stunt versions used in return of the Jedi. I honestly prefer this version as Luke was seen with this saber more times than with the Hero version .You can check out the full scoop on this version at Parts to Star Wars
While it is not a perfect replica of the v2, im still very happy with it Anyhow, I got the parts i needed for this saber form various sources, the main body came form e-bay. The seller custom machined the saber for me, and it was surprisingly cheap, around $67. The threaded bar I needed to put the thing together was bought at a local hardware store, the clamp came from a member of the forums, and yes it is a REAL graflex clamp, the knurled Cone and circuit board came from a member of the replica prop forum
While it is not a perfect replica of the v2, im still very happy with it Anyhow, I got the parts i needed for this saber form various sources, the main body came form e-bay. The seller custom machined the saber for me, and it was surprisingly cheap, around $67. The threaded bar I needed to put the thing together was bought at a local hardware store, the clamp came from a member of the forums, and yes it is a REAL graflex clamp, the knurled Cone and circuit board came from a member of the replica prop forum
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