Sunday, April 20, 2008

Those who hate anime

Hey all! I know, i know, i havent posted anything since last december, and if any of you wish to throw tomatoes at me for that, then feel a matter of fact, I think i deserve it hehehe. Anyhoo, I finished with my homework early, and wandered about on the internet, low and behold, i find a post on Danny Choo's site about anime haters, which inspired this post.
Simply put, I'm an Otaku....people call us Otaku nerds, immature, stupid, etc, but hey, lets compare states here, i graduated 9th in my class in high school with an International Baccalaureate diploma, by no means a small scholastic achievement. I currently go to school at cal-poly pomona with a 3.56 GPA, am holding a steady job that pays for my car, gas, insurance, and daily living expenses, not to mention holding a steady relationship with a wonderful woman (yes she is real). While these do not sum me up as a person, I'm not one to brag but with these facts in mind, I don't believe that being an Otaku makes me stupid and immature.
Lets examine Danny Choo for a bit, Otaku: yes, business owner; HELL YEAH. How's that for stupid and immature? Now lets examine these anime haters who post vids on youtube and host anime hating petitions, can any of them make such a boast? I belive one would be hard pressed to find an anime hater who is successful in the professional world on one of these sites..why? Simply because intelligent folk who do not like anime and live meaningfull/successful lives have better things to do than spam Otaku (hence the lack of intelligent arguments against anime/Otaku).
While this post may seem a spite against anime-haters, its not. I have no ill feelings against people who do not like anime. My beef is against those self Righteous mooks who feel that they are better simply on account that they have a different opinion from others (i.e. I'm "normal, hence I'm better than those nerds/freaks over there).

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