Gunpla, lightsabers, katanas, weaponry, kaiju eiga, art work, and the occasional randomness...come to think of it...most of this thing is uber random...*shrugs* oh well
This here is my 2nd attempt at a figure kit. The eyes were decals that were supplied with the kit so i cant really take credit for them ^_^. This kit was a fairly easy build. One of very few saber figures out there with her hair down, this kit is truly a unique piece. As this kit did come with a second set of hair attachments, i decided to implement a magnetic mounting system that allows for one to change from the signature bun type hair style to the kits unique flowing hair.
I've never really been a hardcore Avatar: The Last Airbender fan, but I did find the series enjoyable. That being said, I'm looking forward to the movie, with some reservations. The first being the source material itself. Being a kids show, you cant get too heavy handed or dark with the film, but the trailer seems to make it to be just that. The series relied heavily on comic relief, so I'm not terribly sure how that's going to play into things here. my second concern is the director. I have very mixed feelings about Shamylan. Ive associated his work as of late with craptacular and incredibly anticlimactic endings...but hey, its kid's film so I'm willing to let alot of that crap slide. Anyhoo, onto the reason for this post: the 2nd trailer has been released and the visuals look promising. let's forget for a minute that all the actors save for the water tribe folks ought to be Chinese yeah?
Now I'm normally not one to post such inane things as videos of a cat playing with an iPad, but hey, first time for everything. Ive yet to finish shooting any of my completed kits as of late, so for now, this will have to do.
Hello to all. I am once again attempting to resurrect this blog. Images of my completed gunpla will be posted shortly as well as completed and painted figures, with the occasional figure review. There will be a few WIPs, but not too many tend to get lazy in photographing my models while working on them. Cheers for now!