ok, so i have received numerous complaints that my list is a tad to expensive, so here I will post items that i WANT and are in the 25 dollar or less range, some of wich are in the list below
1) Covertec Belt Clip
2) A large death note
3) Godzilla: King of the Monsters DVD collectors edition
4)Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days manga vol. 6
5) Clerks Inaction Jay and Silent bob figures
6) books on graphic design (very non specific i know)
7) Japanese cook books (again, very non specific...these can be found at borders...duh)
8)1/144 HG Gundam Exia (this can be found at frank and son's. simply print, and show to vendors who sell gundams (try the back of the 2nd Isle form the left *HINT*
9)1/100 Legend Gundam (same hint as above item)
10) Action Base/Stand (Yet again, same hint as above kits)
11) Revoltech Saber (Frank and Son's is your best bet for this one. the large booth in the back of the 2nd to the last isle on the RIGHT)
12) Triple Zero Paintbrush....yes...a pain brush...do i seriously even need to link this last one?
13) A wicket Figure...yes...Wicket the ewok form star wars..it does not have to be the exact one linked here, but it does have to be wicket...not some random ewok
P.S. people have often told me that they are worried about getting me a gundam that i dont want or already have....here is a good rule of thumb....anything 1/100 scale form the Master Grade Series is good by me. I dont mind having doubles. It just gives me another change to re-build a kit with new techniques/ideas for modifications
now, here is a list of things NOT TO GET ME/I DO NOT NEED!
Godzilla DVD's (except the one listed above of course)
Stuffed turtles
Stuffed Sheep
Plushies in general for that matter unless i have specified a plushie i actually want (very very very unlikely)
Neon Genesis Rei or Asuka figures (I already have way to many!)
MINI Lightsabers
Plastic Lightsabers
clothes...unless you KNOW its something i will actually like...in that case, I'm a medium/large in adult size
Gamera DVD's (I already have the ones I want)
Anime DVD's (Unless its the DeathNote Vol.2 limited Box set with the Light Yagami figure, the by all means go for it)
Jewelry...I'm way too damn picky
kitchen knives (Japanese Sushi Knives are ok though...those are fun...i mean usefull...when making sushi)
Pre-built Gundam figures (again, waaay to damn picky - Gundam KITS are ok though)
Gunpla, lightsabers, katanas, weaponry, kaiju eiga, art work, and the occasional randomness...come to think of it...most of this thing is uber random...*shrugs* oh well
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Christmas list of sorts
Well here we go, its that time of year. so hell, why not post a list right? This is merely a guide for the lot of you, so its cool if you don't buy from this list. thats fine. This is actually my "to buy list" but I have put it on hold for the holidays .so here goes
- A DEATHNOTE (large size, at least 8inch by 10 inch) !!! - I'm really picky about this. If I wanted a mini deathnote, i would have bought one long ago.
- Hobbyfan recast: VP Strike Freedom Gundam Conversion kit
- Blast Tech Graflex ESB conversion kit
- Megahouse Clare PVC figure
- T-Rex skeleton kit
- MR LE Barbossa Sword Replica
- 1/60 PG Skygrasper
- 1/60 Yamato YF-19
- Dual Action Top feed Airbrush
- Hobbyfan recast: 1/144 Wing Gundam Zero RESIN KIT
- Graflex LED Light Saber conversion kit
- Pocky!!
- Neon Genesis Angelic Days Volume 6
- Gojira Collectors Edition DVD
- Nendroid Series L figure. The only place I think one could find this is in Anime Jungle In little Tokyo or perhaps that anime shop near mt sac
- Gundam Kits (especially the Master Grade Format)
- Eating
- Cooking
- Katanas (Carbon Steel Ones)
- Anime
- Manga
- Godzilla
- Gamera
- Lightsaber replicas (No Plastic sabers, No mini lightsabers, only accurate Metal hilt replicas)
- Borders Book Store
- Ice Cream
- Mochi Ice Cream
- Sushi
- Tempura
- Japanese food
- burgers
- Graphic design
- Art
- Painting
- Drawing
- Reading (sci fi, fantasy mostly)
- Macross
- photography
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
very long time no see/post
yes, i know, 4 months no post....im a terrible blogger...oh well. here are a few updates, images will come later on.
- my birthday came and went, but the following figures/items are in my posession
- Sushi Set - which will learn to use!! (arigatou Anata)
- Yomiko Readman (thanks Jeremy)
- BOME Saber (much thanks Ry)
- BOME Rin Tohsaka (credit goes to Gerry)
- BOME Kaname and Chidori (gotta thank Alan for that one!)
- Vodka (thaks Mr Halopoff)
- borders gift cards (wich lead to the purchase of manga!) - (much thanks Thinzar)
- a friggin great time at the party (Hun,Ed, Alan, Adam, Jeremy, Rene, Aaron, Gerry, Liz, Th Thinzar, and to anyone else at the party i cant remember!
- Converted my Darth Maul (finally) into a Luxeon saber
- Got a parks Obi-wan ANH hilt
- started my graflex luxeon project with the purchase of vader sound board
- Bought a CE qui-gon hilt
- started school (again)
- Started and FInished my PG strike, MG Zaku 2.0, RX-78 ver Ka Resin, tachikoma
- currently working on Sword Strike parts
- Started MG hi-nu kit, pre-ordered VP recast of their Hi-nu conversion
- started on scratch build of Hi-nu funnel racks
- obtained DeathNote dvd box set Vol.1 with Rykuk Figure (to hell with the DVD itself !)
- started a few Macross Kits
- continued work on Gundam GP-04G resin kit
- killed my airbrush (wich means i need a new one!)
- built the SG Wing Gundam
- worked on Wing Gundam and Wing Gundam ZERO project
- went to PMX - got an Enma Ai figure
- Added 1/8 Nagato Yuki to my collection
- restarted work on Gundam Astray Red Frame.
- Started planning for a trip to san diego!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A Birthday List of Sorts
So, now i post my yearly b-day gift list....i was told to keep the items practical and around 30 bucks...then i realized the chances of anyone getting anything from this list is pretty remote, but hey ill stick to the parameters as best i can...with one or two exceptions. Please keep in mind, these are items that i wish to obtain one way or the other, and upon posting this list, i will take no action to obtain them on account of the rule that i cant buy anything for myself on this list once it has been published...
BOME Saber PVC 27-30, it should hit frank and son's shelves at around mid august
BOME Kaname and Chidori - 27-30 At Frank's
1/8 Yomiko Readman PVC Figure - $35 at J-station (the anime store near Mt sac)
1/60 scale PG skygrasper w/Aile Striker - depends on where you shop, but Frank and Son's is best
Sirius Black Wand replica - 30 direct from webs
PVC figures from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Frank and Son's again is best for this(especially for the Haruhi figure I posted here), I prefer figs of Nagato Yuki, but Haruhi is more than welcome....please, no figures of Asahina....
1/24 W.H.A.M Ghost in the Shell Tachikoma - Tachi-Blue $35 at hlj.com
1/24 W.H.A.M Ghost in the Shell Tachikoma - Tachi-Silver $35 at hlj.com
1/24 W.H.A.M Ghost in the Shell Tachikoma - Tachi-Yellow $35 at hlj.com
Borders Gift cards (no link here...i wonder where one can get border's gift cards....)
Ok thats it for specifics, now for the general interests/things i find kewl
Metal lightsaber prop replicas (no mini lightsabers, or plastic ones...sorry, im really anal about my sabers)
Carbon Steel Katanas
cookies! (chocolate chip or white chocolate chip macadamia)
white chocolate covered strawberries
strawberries in general
strawberry flavored food items
> strawberry flavored pocky!
>strawberry cheescake
>you get the picture right?
Gamera Items (except the dvd's, ive already got those)
ok thats it for the list....now if any of these items are out of your budget, that is completely understandable, these items merely serve as a reference/starting point...but really though....a slice of strawberry cheescake at carl's jr is not even 2 bucks.....nor are Mrs Field cookies and pocky for that matter! I am aware of the fact that i have relatively expensive tastes...i can't really help that...well thats it for now, take kares ppl and good luck to you all (and i know i have at least miffed a few people out there...)
BOME Saber PVC 27-30, it should hit frank and son's shelves at around mid august
BOME Kaname and Chidori - 27-30 At Frank's
1/8 Yomiko Readman PVC Figure - $35 at J-station (the anime store near Mt sac)
1/60 scale PG skygrasper w/Aile Striker - depends on where you shop, but Frank and Son's is best
Sirius Black Wand replica - 30 direct from webs
PVC figures from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Frank and Son's again is best for this(especially for the Haruhi figure I posted here), I prefer figs of Nagato Yuki, but Haruhi is more than welcome....please, no figures of Asahina....
1/24 W.H.A.M Ghost in the Shell Tachikoma - Tachi-Blue $35 at hlj.com
1/24 W.H.A.M Ghost in the Shell Tachikoma - Tachi-Silver $35 at hlj.com
1/24 W.H.A.M Ghost in the Shell Tachikoma - Tachi-Yellow $35 at hlj.com
Borders Gift cards (no link here...i wonder where one can get border's gift cards....)
Ok thats it for specifics, now for the general interests/things i find kewl
Metal lightsaber prop replicas (no mini lightsabers, or plastic ones...sorry, im really anal about my sabers)
Carbon Steel Katanas
cookies! (chocolate chip or white chocolate chip macadamia)
white chocolate covered strawberries
strawberries in general
strawberry flavored food items
> strawberry flavored pocky!
>strawberry cheescake
>you get the picture right?
Gamera Items (except the dvd's, ive already got those)
ok thats it for the list....now if any of these items are out of your budget, that is completely understandable, these items merely serve as a reference/starting point...but really though....a slice of strawberry cheescake at carl's jr is not even 2 bucks.....nor are Mrs Field cookies and pocky for that matter! I am aware of the fact that i have relatively expensive tastes...i can't really help that...well thats it for now, take kares ppl and good luck to you all (and i know i have at least miffed a few people out there...)
randomness yet again.
long tyme no post huh? well lets see, AX has come and gone, will post pictures at a later date, at the moment im too lazy. I found a few things i liked here and there, so that was nice. I got around to buying an MG hi-nu gundam, so ill work on that eventually. For now, my time is consumed by working on my ZAKU ver 2.0. The internal Frame is done, with some silver dry brushing. Ill start on the outer armour when i get tyme to hook up the air compressor and air brush. I'm still working on the Justice, but i ran out of the pink i need for the outer armour, so its at a bit of stand still. As for the RX-ver ka, its been primed and put on skewers, so thats that. I'm also working on my 1/60 freedom. I was looking for an interesting project one day, and decided to mess around with my 1/60 Freedom that i had laying around, so here it goes. Thus far, I added a bit of pla-plate to the base of the wings to give a bit of definition to them as they seemed rather flat. secondly, i "opened" up the wings by cutting and re gluing the tops and bottoms of the individual wings. this was alot harder than i thought it would be, the blue plastic used for the wings was rather difficult to cur through, but hey im happy with the results thus far. There was no way to keep the cannons in between the wings because of the fact that i had opened up the wings, so i decided to remove and remount the cannons to a different place on the back pack using a bits of extra plastic i had from left over kits and lots of mori mori. I also cut the waste, added a ball joint and filled in the gap with pla-plate and more Mori Mori. I'm not too satisfied with the internal detailing in this area, so i plan to work on that later on. The i also added a second ball joint to the base of the neck to elongate it as well as to add a bit of mobility. I'm not quite sure on that else to do with this kit, so suggestions are more than welcome.

On another note, i finally sold my other Anaking ROTS FX lightsaber, and im still debating on wether or not to make my graflex 3-cell a luxeon or to buy the FX Luke ANH saber and make that into a lux. Either way it will be a fun project to work on after i get my Maul conversion done. Im still trying to get a hold of a CE qui-gon for $100 or less. My obi-wan will come in the mail some time in the next month, so im looking forward to that! thats it for now, ill try to updater more often!!

Monday, June 11, 2007
sabers, cosplay, kits
School is finally out for the year ^_^x!! now i can finally start working/finishing some of my projects. From the looks of it, the Justice is gonna be finished first, Then my resin RX-78 ver. KA. I'm currently snapping up the Cross Bone Gundam i got at Franks for 25. I doubt ill start on my Zaku 2.0 Char till after my PG strike is done (after the Justice, and RX-78 that is). Though first thing is first, gotta finish work on the ornamentation for the Abel and Catarina costumes, finish Matsumoto's sword, and buy a cane for my Urahara cosplay. the sword blade is ready for paint, now all that is needed is the tsuba, habaki, and saya (ugh). As for lightsabers: I got my graflex in the mail last week, makes the MR fx hilts look like crap! I also sold my spare Anakin saber, and ive had a few inquiries about my other one. Sadly Vader is all on his lonesome (i might convert it to an Anakin AOTC, not sure yet). After the money for my MG Sazabi comes in, ill most likely buy the Maul Conversion kit from TCSS. With the flyers for Jedi Armory sent out, all i can do is wait till orders come in and i can start making some cash. well thats all for now, ill try and get graflex pics as well as my Maul up as soon as I can, thats all for now
Saturday, May 19, 2007
well, finals is finally coming up (hahaha shitty wordplay). hopefully after thats finished i can finally continue working on some gunpra. Speaking of which, finally found a buyer for the sazabi, albeit in Singapore. Well either way, it funds my next saber project (Maul Conversion). Hopefully my resin GP-04 will come in the mail as some point soon. No that i mention in, work on the RX-78 ver Ka resin kit is coming along nicely. lots of pla-plate and a few polycaps here and there. at the moment im watching Dune, some sort of sci-fi b=movie....kind of a trip really. gotta love those old movies. its kinda tripy hearing all the characters talk in their heads...anyhow. its based on some dessert planet, some life sustaing substance, nobility, native peoples, (ok so it sounds like a lot of other sci-fi films out there). anyhoo...its not making much sense right now, but that might have something to do with the fact that im rather distracted right now, and no completely because of the fact that im wandering around online...well thats it for now. ill try and get some pics of the ver. KA up, as well as the yoda hilt that im currently working on
Saturday, May 12, 2007
MG Sazabi Finally Finished!!!
Like the title says, my MG sazabi is finally finished! watta bit that kit was....its cursed it tell you!! had a few problems to say the least: kept running out of paint and supplies, had to rebuild a few parts on account of them breaking or disappearing.
As for the kit it self, its been candy coated with red paint over a silver base. there are a few areas where the paint was over applied and gathered, but they arent all that bad looking, namely around the vents on the shoulders. there are also a few paint chips that i might have missed, touched up all the ones i could find. anyhow. this kit is for sale. yes you read correctly, for sale. you can get this bit of Shiny-ness for $75 (shipping included, unless you live outside of the country). All the blades and beam sabers are still included, but i no longer have the original box nor instructions. later this afternoon, i plan to take this to a friends shop to display/sell. if any of you want it, just drop me a line and ill tell my friend to let anyone else know that its no longer for sale. first come first serve is the rule!

As for the kit it self, its been candy coated with red paint over a silver base. there are a few areas where the paint was over applied and gathered, but they arent all that bad looking, namely around the vents on the shoulders. there are also a few paint chips that i might have missed, touched up all the ones i could find. anyhow. this kit is for sale. yes you read correctly, for sale. you can get this bit of Shiny-ness for $75 (shipping included, unless you live outside of the country). All the blades and beam sabers are still included, but i no longer have the original box nor instructions. later this afternoon, i plan to take this to a friends shop to display/sell. if any of you want it, just drop me a line and ill tell my friend to let anyone else know that its no longer for sale. first come first serve is the rule!

Sunday, May 6, 2007
just a quick update
Hey yall, been kinda busy, so yeah no updates for a while hehehe. anyhoo, its the 7th week of school...almost done!! AX is around the corner, i realy have to get cracking on that sword and those clips. my MG sazabi is almost done (save for those decals that have yet to come in...damn snail mail). After i get the decals applied, it will be put up for sale for any who are interested. Lastly, im finally planning to start a lightsaber FX conversion service based at Frank And Son's collectible show! it will be a minor thing on the side, so hopefully it will take off in the future. thats it for now, gotta get cracking on that art homework!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
To be honest, this week seems like a real bitch. got a 7 chapter test coming up. and a heavily shaded drawing for art class. not to mention tests for Intro to drawing, and Art history...*bleh*....anyhoo, i bought another tachikoma kit recently. the kit over all is simple, but definitely requires painting. I'm thinking of adding LED's to the kit, but other than that, no other mods....i may eventually end up building a tachikoma as seen in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (as opposed to the stock kit wich is the 2nd gig version). Still waiting on the paint for my Justice Gundam to Come in, so thats on hold for now, so i might as well keep working on the Destiny Gundam...just have to do a few things here and there for the wings, and get the weapons cemented and sanded, then the painting fun begins. ill post pics of those when ever i get the chance, maybe week after Saturday. ill also probably give a rundown as to the mods on that kit.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
lightsaber pics
Last post i said i would post a few pics, so here they are:
most of u Star Wars people know who these sabers belong to, but for the rest, the top one is Anakin's lightsaber from EP III, the midle pic is of Vader's saber from EP V, and the last one is of Mace Windu's from EP II/EPIII. These are Master Replicas FX hilts that have been converted to Luxeon III LED lightsabers. The blades are removable and unlike stock MR sabers, they CAN be used of Dueling against a rival Jedi or Sith. The Anakin has a blue 3 watt LED in it, and the Vader has a red one. The mace windu saber however contains a hyper white/silver LED, the beauty of this saber is that it come with a set of colored light filters that can change the color of the blade, simply drop them into the hilt, then push the blade in, and now u have a lightsaber blade of your choice! and yes they are for sale, the anakin saber is $120, the vader is also $120, but the Mace Windu is $200, a hell of a lot more work went into converting this saber, and not to menton the parts needed cost a bit more than the other two saber as well. I have also got an Anakin ROTS lightsaber for sale which is currently at Frank and Sons for all you Southern California people, i go there regularly, so if any of you wish to contact/meet up regarding the sale of these sabers, fell free to say so...thats it for now. i was planning to post pics of the in progress Justice Gundam, but they werent very interesting, just a few primered pieces on skewers, once i get painting, then perhaps ill get some up. then after that, you guys and gals may start seeing pics of the Destiny gundam, that should be more interesting on account of the wing mods on that thing...watta bitch that was!
most of u Star Wars people know who these sabers belong to, but for the rest, the top one is Anakin's lightsaber from EP III, the midle pic is of Vader's saber from EP V, and the last one is of Mace Windu's from EP II/EPIII. These are Master Replicas FX hilts that have been converted to Luxeon III LED lightsabers. The blades are removable and unlike stock MR sabers, they CAN be used of Dueling against a rival Jedi or Sith. The Anakin has a blue 3 watt LED in it, and the Vader has a red one. The mace windu saber however contains a hyper white/silver LED, the beauty of this saber is that it come with a set of colored light filters that can change the color of the blade, simply drop them into the hilt, then push the blade in, and now u have a lightsaber blade of your choice! and yes they are for sale, the anakin saber is $120, the vader is also $120, but the Mace Windu is $200, a hell of a lot more work went into converting this saber, and not to menton the parts needed cost a bit more than the other two saber as well. I have also got an Anakin ROTS lightsaber for sale which is currently at Frank and Sons for all you Southern California people, i go there regularly, so if any of you wish to contact/meet up regarding the sale of these sabers, fell free to say so...thats it for now. i was planning to post pics of the in progress Justice Gundam, but they werent very interesting, just a few primered pieces on skewers, once i get painting, then perhaps ill get some up. then after that, you guys and gals may start seeing pics of the Destiny gundam, that should be more interesting on account of the wing mods on that thing...watta bitch that was!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
long tym no see
sorry again for not posting! started a new quarter, and am officially selling my moded lightsabers. why? because i can!! that and i wanna make a wee bit of profit of of those things and still be able to buy more sabers to work on (i.e. darth maul). as for gundamy goodness, i did a bit of primer work. mostly white primer on the justice, just ordered the pain set from Hobby Link Japan, so that should come in about a month. also planning to order some decals for my sazabi on account that i lost them! that and maybe buy a figure or two hehehe. im also thinking about picking up the PG strike gundam, and most likely have it sit there till after AX, my thoughts being to get the gundam while i still have all that extra cash...work is gonna be slow as hell during the summer. anyhoo, ive got pictures in digital camera, ill try my best to get them up, mostly of the in progress justice, and some light saber pics for the people at frank and son's who wish to see my lightsaber mod work...and maybe buy!! OoOO. as for school its gonna be a bitch, taking more classes than ever, and my art teacher is a little on the crazy side...rather militaristic i think. anyhoo, i suprisingly survived last quarter with an A and 2B's. so that was kinda awsome. so now, im off to draw even more for that class.....ill try to post pics...oh right before i forget, i also bought a b-club kit for 40 bucks last wednesday, 1/100 scake Rx-78 2 ver ka. kinda kewl, always wanted to work on a resin kit, just my luck that its an original and not a crappy re-cast hehehehe dats it for now...see yas!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
been a while yeah?
Well, its been a while since the last post yeah? things were rather hectic, but spring break provides a nice relief from things, albeit a short one. Any hoo, ill try and get pics up of the mace windu saber. I also began to work on my Justice Gundam again, so far ive just done a shoulder joins, and used pla-boards to increase the lower leg length by 3 mm, i personally liked the stretched out look on the justice, but thats just meeh i guess. ill try realli hard to get pics up!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
this week end
Well, looks like its gonna be an interesting week end. I placed my order for a conversion kit for my Mace Windu FX lighsaber. I had to go pick up the actual saber today at the UPS customer service center, so that was a bit of a pain in the a$$. not gonna post pics of the stock saber as they can easily be looked up on google or something like that. Ive already taken it apart and am going to buy paint for the gold accents that need a good going over, and once i get the conversion parts and install them, then ill take the pics of the converted lightsaber. As for tomorrow, gonna head on over to Universal Studios to go see the Chinese new Year celebration that theyve got going on, and as i have an annual pass, i wouldn't mind going. Helen and Mel are gonna be with meeh, so it might prove to be fun, i guess ill post any interesting pics of that trip too ^_^x. Well thats it for now, its 4 in the morning and i need sleep.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Anime Expo planning
Well its february, and Anime-Expo 2007 planning is well underway, we've got the hotel booked, and I'm starting to gather the funds from each individual to register. What about cosplay? Well, our cosplay master (my girlfriend) has already bought fabric, and ive started working on props. I'll put up pics when i get a chance to. I'm going as Urahara Kisuke (hat and clogs!!) and Abel Nightroad, damn that one is gonna be hard. I personally am in charge of props, namely Urahara's can, maybe his sword, Raigiku Matsumoto's sword, and a few of the decorative in Caterina Sforza's and Abel's costumes. thats it for now, I promise to get the costume pics as soon as i can.
Monday, February 26, 2007
finals week coming around the corner
well, finals week is coming around the corner, as such, I'm probably not gonna be around as much, but yeah not like there are very many of you guys out there anyway...so i realli should promote this blog yeh? hehehe. so here are a few things ive been mulling over the past couple of weeks:
simply put, i hate the bloody thing. Don't get me wrong, as a mech it looks cool and all, but nothing like the original hi-nu that was designed and made into the b-club and core-works conversion kits. furthermore, lots of mods needed to get this thing anywhere near my standard...and since i have little to invest in this kit, i shall invest no money as well
well thats it for now, gotta head to my nxt class
simply put, i hate the bloody thing. Don't get me wrong, as a mech it looks cool and all, but nothing like the original hi-nu that was designed and made into the b-club and core-works conversion kits. furthermore, lots of mods needed to get this thing anywhere near my standard...and since i have little to invest in this kit, i shall invest no money as well
well thats it for now, gotta head to my nxt class
Friday, February 23, 2007
General Intro
first post....lots of things shall be discussed in this blog...mostly gunpla(gundam plastic model kits), modeling techniques, in progress kits, some lightsaber stuff (while not a hard core star wars geek, i dig lightsabers), random crap about meeh.
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